How Marriott Vacation Club Works: An In-Depth Overview

Marriott-Vacation-Club-Digital-Resources-For-OwnersMarriott Vacation Club is a respected name in the timeshare industry. It offers two distinct vacation ownership types that enable travelers to plan vacations to over 80 different timeshare resorts around the world.  Consequentially, owners have a wide range of resorts and destinations to choose from.  Owning a Marriott Vacation Club timeshare provides flexibility and unforgettable experiences.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of how Marriott Vacation Club works, focusing on the two different types of ownerships: points-based and weeks-based.

Points-based Ownership

Marriott Vacation Club’s Points-based ownership system offers a flexible and personalized approach to vacation ownership. Instead of owning a specific week at a particular resort, Points-based ownership provides owners with an annual allotment of points. These points can then be used to book stays at various Marriott Vacation Club resorts. Additionally, the points can be exchanged for vacations at other destinations through Marriott’s exchange partners.

Membership Levels

By purchasing Marriott Vacation Club Points, you gain access to a range of benefits that correspond to a specific membership level. This level is determined by the number of annual Vacation Points you decide to acquire. The more points you purchase, the higher your membership level and the greater the perks you can enjoy.

Benefit Level Annual Vacation Club Points
Owner Up to 3,999
Select 4,000 to 6,999
Executive 7,000 to 9,999
Presidential 10,000 to 14,999
Chairman’s Club 15,000 or more

In a future article, we will dive deeper into the specific benefits offered for each membership level. Be sure to check back on the Premier Timeshare Resale blog, or subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to learn about our latest educational articles as they are released.

Reservation Flexibility

With Points-based ownership, you have the freedom to decide how to use your points. You can choose to book multiple shorter trips, or combine your points for longer vacations. Additionally, you can reserve your stays at any available Marriott Vacation Club resort during any time of the year, subject to availability and reservation booking windows.

Booking Windows

When utilizing Marriott Vacation Club Points to make a reservation, the booking windows are important.  Booking windows determine how far in advance you can begin booking your vacations.  They will vary depending on your membership level, which is determined by the number of vacation points owned.

Benefit Level Annual Vacation Club Points 13 Months Prior to Check-In 12 Months Prior to Check-In 10 Months Prior to Check-In
Owner Up to 3,999 7 or more consecutive nights with a 20% Point Premium 7 or more consecutive nights Any number of nights
Select 4,000 to 6,999 7 or more consecutive nights Any number of nights


Chairman’s Club

7,000 and higher Any number of nights

Use Year

The Use Year is a designated 12-month period during which timeshare owners can utilize their allocated vacation time. It also plays a crucial role in determining banking deadlines and when owners receive their points. Once a Use Year is assigned to a Marriott Vacation Club contract, it remains unchanged and stays with the ownership, even if transferred to a new owner on the resale market.

Buying Points

When purchasing a Points-based ownership, you acquire a certain number of points that can be used to book vacations each year. The number of points you buy depends on factors such as the size of the accommodation, time of year, and resort location. The more points you own, the more flexibility you have in choosing when and where to vacation.

Points Charts

When it comes to planning your vacations with Marriott Vacation Club, the points charts is an essential tool.  Point charts provide valuable information on how many points are required to book stays at different resorts within the Marriott Vacation Club portfolio. By referencing the points charts, owners can determine the specific number of points needed for their desired destination and time of year.

This allows for some strategic planning, ensuring that owners have enough points to cover their preferred vacations. Marriott Vacation Club updates points charts on an annual basis to reflect any changes in resort categories or point values.  Please refer to each year’s points chart for accurate and up-to-date information. By utilizing the points charts, owners can maximize the value of their Vacation Club Points and make an informed decision, both when initially purchasing points as well as when planning their dream vacations each year.

To learn more, you can click the following link to learn how many points it will take to visit each of the Marriott Vacation Club resorts in 2024: Marriott Vacation Club Points Charts 2024.

Point Banking & Borrowing

Marriott Vacation Club allows owners to bank unused points from one year for future use or borrow points from the following year to increase their vacation options. This flexibility ensures that you can make the most of your ownership and plan vacations according to your needs.

Banking Deadlines

The deadline for banking your points will vary based on your membership level. It is important to note that once the deadline has passed, you will no longer be able to bank your points.

Benefit Level Annual Vacation Club Points Banking Deadline*
Owner Up to 3,999 6 months
Select 4,000 to 6,999 6 months
Executive 7,000 to 9,999 4 months
Presidential 10,000 to 14,999 4 months
Chairman’s Club 15,000 or more 2 months
*Prior to the end of current use year

Using Banked Points

The duration during which banked points can be utilized is also contingent upon your membership level. If you have banked points, it is crucial to utilize them within the specified time frame determined by your membership level, as any unused points will expire.

Benefit Level Annual Vacation Club Points Use Banked Vacation Club Points
Owner Up to 3,999 Within the immediately following Use Year
Select 4,000 to 6,999
Executive 7,000 to 9,999
Presidential 10,000 to 14,999 Within the following 1.5 Use Years
Chairman’s Club 15,000 or more Within the following 2 Use Years
*Prior to the end of current use year

Exchange Options

If you wish to explore new destinations, Marriott Vacation Club offers exchange programs, including the Interval International. By exchanging your points, you can access a vast network of resorts across the globe, expanding your vacation possibilities beyond Marriott Vacation Club properties.

Weeks-based Ownership

Marriott Vacation Club also offers a weeks-based ownership, sometimes referred to as legacy weeks, which follow a more traditional home resort week / season model. With weeks-based ownership, you own a specific week during the year at a particular resort within the Marriott Vacation Club portfolio. The week can be designated as Silver, Gold, or Platinum season (or Blue, Red, and White seasons), determining the range of weeks available for booking your deeded unit size each year.

Fixed & Floating Weeks

Weeks-based ownership provides the option of either fixed or floating weeks. Fixed weeks allow you to own a specific week each year, ensuring consistency in planning your vacations. Floating weeks offer more flexibility, allowing you to choose from a range of available weeks within a specific season.


Season Travel Demand
Platinum / Red High
Gold / White Moderate
Silver / Blue Low

When purchasing a floating week, your ownership will be assigned a specific season consisting of different week numbers (calendar dates) that separate the calendar year into various sections based on travel demand. Platinum and red seasons signify the period of the year with the highest travel demand.  Gold and white seasons signify the period of the year with moderate travel demand.  Silver or blue seasons signify the period of the year with the lowest travel demand.

Biennial Weeks

Biennial ownership with Marriott Vacation Club signifies a timeshare ownership model where the owner can access their designated unit at their home resort every alternate year, instead of every year. This model holds appeal for those who might not wish to vacation annually, yet still desire the advantages of timeshare ownership.

Biennial ownerships fall into two categories:

  • Even-Year Usage: Owners have access to their weeks during years ending in an even number; 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8
  • Odd-Year Usage: Owners can utilize their weeks during years that end in an odd number; 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9

Week Calendars

In order to learn more about the various weeks in each of the designated seasons at each resort, you can view the Marriott Vacation Club week calendars. Click to expand the section below to view a list of weeks calendars for each Marriott Vacation Club resort.


Owners with weeks-based ownership enjoy priority booking within their home resort. This means that you have the first opportunity to secure your preferred week before it becomes available to other owners or guests. It is important to note that popular weeks and resorts may require early booking to secure availability.

12-Month Booking Window

Owners have the ability to book at their deeded home resort up to 12 months in advance of their desired check-in date. The booking window opens starting at 9:00 AM Eastern time, and weeks can be booked online or over the phone.

13-Month Booking Window

Booking 13 months in advance is possible with a few additional considerations. The 13-month booking window can only be utilized when owners are booking multiple owned weeks either concurrently (during the same time) or consecutively (one reservation directly followed by the next). This extended booking window does not apply to single weeks.

As long as the seasons of your two weeks align correctly and there is availability, legacy week owners can begin booking 13 months prior to their desired check-in date, starting at 9:00 AM Eastern time. This type of booking cannot currently be made online; owners must call to secure 13-month booking windows concurrent or consecutive reservations.

Booking Concurrent Reservations

If you own multiple legacy weeks, you can book them 13 months in advance if both weeks are booked concurrently. It is also possible to book at two separate locations if you have a week at one resort and another week at a different resort, as long as the check-in dates for both reservations are the exact same day. This flexibility allows for booking up to 1 month earlier than the normal 12-month booking window when lodging is required for multiple groups traveling together.

Booking Consecutive Reservations

To book 13 months in advance using consecutive weeks, you need to own two separate weeks with overlapping seasons on the calendar. For instance, if you own a legacy week at Marriott’s Grande Vista with a Platinum season and a legacy week at Marriott’s Harbour Lake with a Platinum season, both resorts’ Platinum season covers weeks 1-17 of the year, allowing for a significant overlap to facilitate booking consecutive weeks.

Lock-Off Units

At certain resorts, owners of two or three-bedroom villas have the option to divide their unit into two distinct sections. The resulting unit types after performing this ‘lock-off’ will vary based on the original villa configuration. These are the possible outcomes:

Original Unit Units After Lock-Off
2 Bedroom 1 Bedroom + 1 Studio
2 Bedroom 1 Bedroom + 1 Bedroom
3 Bedroom 2 Bedroom + 1 Studio
3 Bedroom 2 Bedroom + 1 Bedroom

Using the lock-off option, you could potentially enjoy a week-long vacation in a one or two bedroom unit, followed by another week in a one bedroom or studio unit. You are required to book these weeks within your deeded season, but this strategy can be highly beneficial for those aiming to extend their vacation time.

Split-Week Options

The “Split Week Option” is a flexible feature that enables owners to split their week into two distinct segments, resulting in two reservations.  One reservation is for three nights and another is for four nights. This option is only accessible to owners at certain resorts, and there are some restrictions involved.

Exchange Programs

Similar to Points-based ownership, weeks-based owners can participate in exchange programs like Interval International, providing the option to swap their week for another destination or time frame outside their season.

Regardless of whether you purchased on the resale market or from the developer, your vacations will always take place at the home resort specified when initially purchasing the timeshare.  If you desire to explore alternative locations using your week, you can learn about trading Marriott Vacation Club legacy weeks with Interval International.


Marriott Vacation Club offers two distinct types of timeshare ownership: points-based and weeks-based. Points-based ownership provides a flexible approach, allowing owners to use their points to book stays at various resorts. Weeks-based ownership, on the other hand, offers ownership of a specific week at a particular resort.

Whether you prefer the flexibility of points-based ownership or the consistency of weeks-based ownership, owning a Marriott Vacation Club timeshare opens up a world of vacation possibilities. With a renowned reputation, exceptional service, and a wide array of stunning resorts, Marriott Vacation Club continues to be a top choice for travel enthusiasts.

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